Sunday 17 February 2013


I've just updated my Shelfari account. Shelfari is a great tool for keeping track of the books you have read and sharing your opinions about them with others. I mostly use it for novels so far, but am thinking of adding picture books to it as well. I think that one of the greatest things about literature is the sharing and connections that can come from reading. Check out my Shelfari bookshelf, read my reviews and see if you can find a book you are interested in reading. Maybe you will even want to start your own account!

Here is the link to my Shelfari account:

More books from the book fair

Another shipment of books from our book fair credit arrived and have begun to hit the library shelves and students' desks. Check out the pics and see if there are any that look interesting to you! One final order has been placed with Scholastic to use the remainder of our credit. I'll post pictures when those arrive :)